Effective neutralization of the negative consequences of Covid-19 infections and the administration of anti-covid-19 vaccines The Covid-19 pandemic has been a civilizational disaster that Big Pharma has successfully exploited to amass mountains of ill-gotten gains. Administered to ill-informed people, “vaccines” caused many complications, and many people died from their use, even though all the pharmaceutical companies declared that these were experimental medicinal products. Our multidisciplinary medical team at the Lacology Foundation offers you an effective neutralization of the ingredients in these products, which remain in the patient’s body for years – it is not yet known how long. Send us your story on any of the popular messengers on the phone: 00359884777799 and we will quickly respond, at least to get specific information for your benefit. The price of our medical consultation is 49 euros, payable by PayPal. The consultation is paid for before receiving it, but we need to get to know your health status in advance. Your privacy is our top priority! Also if the covid-19 infection has harmed you, we will do everything possible with the means of modern medicine to get you back to a normal way of life. Trust us, hundreds of patients from all over the world have already done it, and you won’t be wrong! Nothing is fatal and things are subject to effective correction! The important thing is to react in time… With respect Dimitar Kehaiov Doctor of Medical Sciences in the field of clinical pharmacology Manager of the toxic-lactological foundation Lactologia Bulgaria